Pedro Santisteve Roche (Zaragoza, Spain, May 28, 1958) is a criminal lawyer, social activist and Spanish university professor, mayor of Zaragoza since June 13, 2015.
Santisteve graduated in Law and has been a criminal lawyer since 1984. Throughout his personal trajectory he has stood out for his criticism of the current penitentiary system and for his defense of the rights of the prisoners. He is the founder of the Asociación de Seguimiento y Apoyo a Presas y Presos en Aragón (Association for Monitoring and Supporting Prisoners in Aragon, ASAPA), which in 2000 received a medal from the Aragon Provincial Council. Since the 1990s, he is a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zaragoza.
Santisteve's entry into politics began with the 15-M movement. In 2015 he was the winner of the primary process of Ganemos Zaragoza, which involved more than 3,700 people. In this way, Santisteve was the head of list of the political alliance Zaragoza in Común (ZeC), formed by Podemos, Izquierda Unida, Equo, Puyalón de Cuchas, Piratas de Aragón and Somos y Demos+. The political program with which this candidate participated in the municipal elections was based on institutional transparency, participatory decision-making, accountability and a broader social policy. It obtained in the municipal elections on May 24, 2015 80,040 votes (24.57%) and 9 councilors, remaining as the second political force behind PP, with 10 councilors, and above PSOE, with 6 councilors, Citizens, with 4 and CHA with 2.
On June 13, 2015 Pedro Santisteve was invested mayor of Zaragoza thanks to the votes of the councilors of Zaragoza en Común (ZeC), PSOE and Chunta Aragonesista (CHA).