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Perplex City Stories

Perplex City Stories is the planned second season of the alternate reality game Perplex City, run by Mind Candy. Although no plot has been revealed yet, the first wave of puzzle cards was released on March 1, 2007.

On June 1, 2007, it was announced via the main Perplex City Stories homepage that the game was being delayed for an indefinite amount of time, but would certainly be making a return in the future. The following is taken from the announcement:

At Mind Candy we've always believed that a less than perfect game is worse than no game at all. For this reason, we're holding off from launching Season Two for now.

We want to reassure you that this is not the end for Perplex City; we've invested far too much love, time, and energy in this to stop now.

The Perplex City Stories site is also being complemented by the new "Perplex City—We Love Puzzles" site, which features new user-submitted puzzles and flash games. The site also allows users to enter the solutions for both Season 1 and Season 2 puzzle cards, as well as keeps a total of the number of puzzles solved, including site puzzles and puzzle cards.

At the after-party of the first season, players were given "keys", fictional high-tech devices from the game, with codes allowing them to register for the new game. Players who ordered Season 2 cards from Firebox.com also received these keys. Those who attended the party were also give business cards sending them to VioletUnderground.com.

On March 1, 2007, the site was updated with a video featuring Violet Kiteway—portrayed live, for the first time—and a news broadcast discussing a horrific murder in Perplex City. The on-scene reporter notes that bystanders were covered with blood. The news anchor who sees pictures of the scene faints at their sight. Violet finishes by asking players for help in solving the murder. This is expected to form the first re-playable 'episode' entitled The Missing Piece, and is due to begin in early June, 2007

On May 1, 2007, it was announced via the Developer's Blog that a "part of the ARG" would be made public within the next few days. ARGN, a news website for ARGs, later reported that this was to be a pre-game which was due to start on May 4, 2007.

On May 4, VioletUnderground.com launched, with Violet asking players to help her locate a leak in her new apartment building. This began the first, non-replayable, 'episode' of Perplex City Stories.

