The Commission on Education, known as the Perrow Commission after its chairman, Virginia state senator Mosby Perrow Jr., was a 40-member commission established by Governor of Virginia J. Lindsay Almond Jr. on February 5, 1959 after the Virginia Supreme Court in Harrison v. Day and a three-judge federal court in James v. Almond had both struck down significant portions of the Stanley plan, which had implemented Massive Resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Brown v. Board of Education issued on May 17, 1954 and May 31, 1955. Four legislators (some from the Virginia Senate, others from the House of Delegates) were appointed from each of the ten U.S. Congressional districts in Virginia. Compared to the Gray Commission that Governor Thomas B. Stanley had appointed five years previously, Perrow Commission included more representatives from cities, northern and Western Virginia, although many members served on both commissions.
Massive Resistance
Gray Commission
Governor Almond instructed the Commission to prepare a report by the end of the legislative session on March 31, 1959.
Following extensive public hearings and debate, the Commission on March 31 issued a 74 page report. "The Commission is opposed to integration and offers the program set out herein because it thinks it is the best that can be devised at this time to avoid integration and preserve our public schools." It further described a "local option" plan that included new pupil placement laws, a new compulsory attendance law, and tuition grants that could be used at what came to be known as "segregation academies"--similar to the former Gray plan that had never been adopted, but rather superseded by the more radical (and now overturned) Stanley plan. Thus, members assured segregationists that it would preserve their values, and predicted passage.