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Persistent homology

Persistent homology is a method for computing topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions. More persistent features are detected over a wide range of length and are deemed more likely to represent true features of the underlying space, rather than artifacts of sampling, noise, or particular choice of parameters.

To find the persistent homology of a space, the space must first be represented as a simplicial complex. A distance function on the underlying space corresponds to a filtration of the simplicial complex, that is a nested sequence of increasing subsets.

Formally, consider a real-valued function on a simplicial complex that is non-decreasing on increasing sequences of faces, so whenever is a face of in . Then for every the sublevel set is a subcomplex of K, and the ordering of the values of on the simplices in (which is in practice always finite) induces an ordering on the sublevel complexes that defines a filtration

