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Peters Canyon

Peters Canyon Regional Park is a regional park within the Orange County Regional Parks System. The park contains 354 acres of southern California wildlife, including costal sage shrub, riparian, freshwater marsh, and grasslands, and is located within the boundaries of both Orange, California and Tustin, California. Peters Canyon was given to this city in 1992 by the Irvine Company who had used it previously for cattle grazing. The canyon is lined with a residential area on one side and open hills on the other. This canyon is commonly used by hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians because of the trails that circumvent the 50 acre man-made lake, which was constructed by the Irvine Company in 1931, on the interior of the plot. The regional park is open from 7:00 AM to sunset every day of the week, save for the chance of rain or hazardous conditions, in which case the park will be closed for three days following the particular occurrence.

The park has garnered local popularity in part for its convenient location (the canyon is in the middle of a suburban neighborhood), as well as its cleanliness and varied trail options. The management asks that visitors see protecting the park's wildlife, as well as any construction or park improvement efforts, as a shared responsibility.

Peters Canyon Regional Park was originally part of the Spanish Land Grant known as "Rancho Lomas de Santiago" which was a 47,000-acre piece of land given by governor Pico Pico to Teodosio Yorba in 1846. The section that was to become Peter's Canyon was known as "Canon de Las Ranas" which translates to "Canyon of the Frogs". The name came from the fact that it drained into the "Cienega de Las Ranas", which is Spanish for "Marsh of the Frogs" which is now known as Upper Newport Bay. In 1897 James Irvine purchased the land from Yorba and leased the land to several farmers one of which was James Peters. Peters built a ranch house and planted a eucalyptus grove near Little Peter Lake which was located in the lower part of the Canyon of the Frogs.

In 1899 golf was introduced by some sportsmen from Orange and Santa Ana. The Santiago Golf Club was built in Peters Canyon on land leased from the Irvine Company. The greens were made from oil soaked sand and the fairways consisted of native soil. A red club house was built on the ridge that now extends into Upper Peters Canyon reservoir. The Upper Peters Canyon reservoir was built in 1931, and the lower reservoir (Little Peters Canyon Lake, which is now a flood control basin) in 1940 to conserve water. With this availability of water, agriculture which included orange groves thrived in the canyon. The reservoirs nowadays are known as Peters Canyon Wash. The wash is part of the San Diego Creek which is a 26-mile waterway that flows into Upper Newport Bay.

