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Phytoseiulus persimilis

DSC05872 British Spiders, Phytoseiulus persimilis.jpg
Phytoseiulus persimilis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Subclass: Acari
Superorder: Parasitiformes
Order: Mesostigmata
Family: Phytoseiidae
Subfamily: Amblyseiinae
Genus: Phytoseiulus
Evans, 1952

Phytoseiulus is a genus of mites in the Phytoseiidae family. A predatory mite, this is the mite predator most frequently used to control two-spotted spider mites in greenhouses and outdoor crops grown in mild environments. This mite was accidentally introduced into Germany from Chile in 1958; it was subsequently shipped to other parts of the world, including California and Florida, from Germany. A Phytoseiulus mite can consume up to seven adult spider mites or several dozen of their eggs in a day. Adult females are reddish, pear-shaped, about 0.5 mm long, and active at room temperature. Immatures and males are smaller and lighter in color. Eggs are oblong. About 80% are females. At optimum temperatures, Phytoseiidae can develop from egg to adult in 7 days and live up to a month. A well-fed female lays about 50 eggs in her lifetime.

Ideal temperature range is 70–85°F (20–30°C) with relative humidity of 70–80% inside the plant canopy. Minimum temperature for activity is 50°F (10°C). This predator does best when humidity is 60% or higher with a temperature range of 55–105°F.

(typical values @ 68–77°F) sex ratio: four females/male
average eggs laid per day: 2.4
lifespan: 30–36 days - days from egg to adult: 7.5
average eggs per female: 54
population increase = 44 x in generation time of 17 days
prey consumed per day: 7 adults, 20 immatures or 25 eggs

The genus Phytoseiulus contains these species:

