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Plain people

Plain people are Christian groups characterized by separation from the world and by simple living, including plain dressing. Most Plain people have an Anabaptist background with the exception of the Old German Baptist Brethren and Old Order River Brethren. All are of German, Swiss German or Dutch ancestry.

Notable Plain groups are:

A small number of Quakers still practice plain dress. The Shakers also dressed plain, but today there are almost no Shakers left.

Customs of Plain people include:

The Mennonite movement was a reform movement of Anabaptist origins begun by Swiss Brethren and soon thereafter finding greater cohesion based on the teachings of Menno Simons 1496–1561, and the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. The Amish movement was a reform movement within the Mennonite movement, based on the teachings of Jacob Ammann, who perceived a lack of discipline within the Mennonites movement by those trying to avoid prosecution. Ammann argued that Romans 12:2 prohibited that.

William Penn, having experienced religious persecution as a Quaker, offered asylum to others who were suffering religious persecution, an offer that many followers of Jacob Ammann accepted, starting with the Detweiler and Sieber families, who settled in Berks County, Pennsylvania, in 1736. Many of them settled near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which offered some of the most productive non-irrigated farmland in the world. By 1770, the Amish migration had largely ceased.

