Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto (PIV; English: Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto) is a monolingual dictionary of the language Esperanto. It was first compiled in 1970 by a large team of Esperanto linguists and specialists under the guidance of Gaston Waringhien and is published by the Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (SAT). Since 2012, it may be consulted online after free registration.
The term "illustrated" refers to two features: 1 - The use clipart-like symbols rather than abbreviations for certain purposes (eg, entries pertaining to agriculture are marked with a small image of a sickle rather than a note like "Agri." for "Agrikulturo".) 2 - The occasional use of a line-art sketch illustrating the item being defined. These sketches are not used for most entries. The entries that do have a sketch are most commonly plants and animals, and sometimes tools.
First published in 1970, the PIV has undergone two revisions to date and is considered by many to be something of a standard for Esperanto, thanks mainly to its unchallenged scope—15,200 words and 39,400 lexical units. However, it is also criticized as excessively influenced by the French language and politically biased. Moreover, its few and often outmoded illustrations appeared only as an appendix.
In 1987, a supplement was separately published, produced under the guidance of Gaston Waringhien and Roland Levreaud. It covered approximately 1000 words and 1300 lexical units.
In 2002, after many years of work, a new revised edition appeared with the title La Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto (The New PIV), also dubbed PIV2 or PIV2002. Its chief editor was Michel Duc-Goninaz. PIV2002 (much like PIV2005) includes 16,780 words and 46,890 lexical units. Its illustrations are no longer located on the last pages, but rather are incorporated into the text itself.
The edition was first presented to the SAT congress in Alicante, Spain in July 2002. The stock of 2000 printed books ran out in 2004, and a new edition, La Plena Ilustrita Vortaro Eldono 2005 ISBN with corrected typos and detailed modifications, appeared in March 2005.