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Prefectures of Qinghai

Qinghai Province
Capital: Xining
Prefectural level divisions
Prefectural cities 2
Autonomous prefectures 6
County level divisions
County cities 3
Counties 27
Autonomous counties 7
Districts 6
Township level divisions
Towns 115
Townships 253
Ethnic townships 30
Subdistricts 31
The administrative committees also are not counted.

Qinghai, a province of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the following administrative divisions.

All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. This chart lists all prefecture-level and county-level divisions of Qinghai.

1 — The administrative zones are not standard units of local government, though they do function as such.

Qinghai is planning to re-organise the following administrative divisions:

