Private Eye, the British fortnightly satirical magazine, has produced various comedic audio recordings since its founding in 1961.
The most famous of the recordings from the 1960s and 1970s were pressed on thin floppy 7" vinyl (sometimes known as "flexi-discs" or "flimsies") [1] [2] and they were distributed as "cover-mounts" attached to the front cover of the magazine, which for those issues doubled its price to cover the costs of the recordings. The discs were played at a phonogram speed of either 33 1/3 rpm or 45 rpm and had a duration of approximately 6 minutes.
Private Eye also recorded material released on other configurations including 7" vinyl singles, EPs, 12" vinyl albums, audio-cassettes and compact disc.
The content for the recordings was written and performed by Private Eye staff members, contributors and friends. Among those prominently featured on the classic 1960s and 1970s recordings were: Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Barry Humphries, John Bird, John Wells, Eleanor Bron, William Rushton, Barry Fantoni and Richard Ingrams.
In addition to their original releases, some of the recordings have been reissued on vinyl and audio-cassette.
• His Master's Vass - Issued: 2 October 1964. Themed around the upcoming October 1964 UK general election
Notes: His Master's Voice was the name of a leading record label, "Baillie Vass" was the magazine's nickname for the then Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home