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Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento

The Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (Growth Acceleration Program), better known as PAC, is a major infrastructure program of the Federal government of Brazil. The program was launched on January 28, 2007, by the Lula da Silva administration, consisting of a set of economic policies and investment projects with the objective of accelerating economic growth in Brazil. The program had a budget of $503.9 billion reais for the 2007-2010 quadriennium. The Rousseff administration has continued the program under the name PAC-2.

The Growth Acceleration Program forecasts investments by the Federal government, state enterprises and the private sector in construction, sanitation, energy, transport and logistics. The program had an estimated budget of $503.9 billion reais for the 2007–2010 quadriennium.

PAC 2 was launched in March of 2010 by President Dilma Rouseff. It was set up as a continuation of the original PAC, which was designed to last only four years. PAC 2 had a budget of R$ 1.59 trillion, and focused on the development of social and infrastructure sectors such as transportation, energy, health care, culture, and housing. 

