The Pucić (known as Pozza in Italian) is a noble family from the Republic of Ragusa, with origins in Dalmatia. The Emperor Leopold I, granted the title of Count and the predicate Di Zagorie on 20 September 1688 to Mateo Pucić, son of Lucijan Pucić and Marija Bunić. They are considered to have been one of the most prestigious families of the Republic of Ragusa. They are one of the few families whose descendants, coupled with the last members of the House of Sorkočević, have the pure noble blood to this day.
Pucić v. Zagorie. Blue with two gold cotices, alongside six fleur-de-lys same, posed each one bars some, lines in bands, the ecu bordered in rhombus of mouths. Crowned helmet.
Pucić-Sorkočević v. Zagorie. Left: to the 1, Blue with two gold cotices, alongside of six flower-of-read money, posed each one bars some, lines of bands (Pucić); to the 2, bandaged mouths and of Blue of eight parts (Sorkočević).
Coat of Arms of the Pucić noble family, variation.
Coat of Arms of the Pucić noble family, variation.
Medo (Orsat) Pucić and Nikola "Niko" Pucić were two important figures in Serbian politics in the 19th century; Medo fought for the unification of Dalmatia (then under direct Austrian rule) with the rest of Croatia. Niko Pucić was an important politician and Pan-Slavic nationalist.
The family still exists in Dubrovnik, but it is not the old pure aristocracy anymore. Eugenia "Stane" Pozza - Sorgo married a commoner, Božo Koprivica in 1972, nephew of Niko Koprivica, noted Yugoslav diplomat, royal ambassador of Yugoslavia to the Holy See, knight of the Order of Pope Gregory the Great and wartime Mayor of Dubrovnik. He was killed by the partisans in October 1944 on the island of Daksa. Two of Eugenia's brothers also married commoners, so the rule of "Old Blood" does not imply anymore on the surviving members of the family. With these three marriages the family stopped practicing centuries old practice of inbreeding, mainly marrying first cousins and uncles and nieces. These marriages were approved by the local Roman Catholic Church because the family was very powerful and influential. It is noted that members of the family tend to have certain taste for Latin and Ancient Greek, having eight generations of classical philologists.