Pump Court, Temple, London was the first on the left in Middle Temple Lane from 6 Fleet Street, leading to Inner Temple Lane and Lamb's Buildings. Its name referred to the pump in the middle.
In the year following 1 Car 1 (1625), brick buildings were erected in the Pump Court. In 1637 (13 Car 1), the rest of the brick buildings in the Pump Court were set up.
Many celebrities have lived in Pump Court including Blackstone, Cowper, Fielding, Lord Russell of Killowen and Viscount Alverstone, his successor as Lord Chief Justice of England. There is a sundial with a motto that reads "shadows we are and like shadows we depart" to remind the residents of the ephemeral character of their occupancy.
Joseph Chitty the elder trained in succession in his pupil room here "a great number of the most eminent lawyers".
The Filazers', Exigenters' and Clerk of the Outlawries' Office for the Court of King's Bench was here. These officers were so called from the French word Fil, or thread, because they filed or threaded the writs. Thomas Kenyon was Filazer, Exigenter and Clerk of the Outlawries, and Andrew Edge was Filazer for Essex and Monmouthshire.
The Warrant of Attorney Office was here. This was an address of William Draper Best MP.
Henry Fielding lived here.
5 Pump Court Chambers is one of the oldest established barristers' chambers in London. It has been in continuous existence since 1870. It now comprises 57 barristers and 8 clerks.
Morris Simeon Oppenheim had chambers here, where he committed suicide on 3 January 1883.