Radium (88Ra) has no stable or nearly stable isotopes, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. The longest lived, and most common, isotope of radium is 226Ra with a half-life of 1,600 years. 226Ra occurs in the decay chain of 238U (often referred to as the radium series.) Radium has 33 known isotopes from 202Ra to 234Ra.
No fission products
have a half-life
in the range of
100–210 k years ...
... nor beyond 15.7 M years
Legend for superscript symbols
₡ has thermal neutron capture cross section in the range of 8–50 barns
ƒ fissile
m metastable isomer
№ naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)
þ neutron poison (thermal neutron capture cross section greater than 3k barns)
† range 4–97 y: Medium-lived fission product
‡ over 200,000 y: Long-lived fission product