Rand al'Thor, also known as the Dragon Reborn, is the fictional main character and protagonist of The Wheel of Time, a series of fantasy novels by Robert Jordan.
Rand al'Thor has many other titles within the series:
Rand is depicted as having gray or blue (interchanging) eyes and reddish hair and is good looking. He is about 6'5" or 6'6" (196–197 cm) (as described by Robert Jordan) with a physique said to be typical of the Aiel. As a result of events at the end of the Knife of Dreams, Rand has lost his left hand just below the wrist. In his side he has two wounds that will not heal; a round wound from Ishamael received in the sky over Toman Head, with a slash overtop it from Padan Fain's tainted dagger received in the foothills of the Spine of the World near Cairhien.
His birth was heralded by Gitara Moroso, Aes Sedai and Keeper of the Chronicles, who died from the sheer force of Foretelling his birth. Her Foretelling of his birth was: "He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!"
Rand was born on the last day of the Blood Snow in 978 NE, on the slopes of Dragonmount as prophesied. He was born to Tigraine Mantear, the former Daughter-Heir of Andor who had fled to the Aiel Waste to become a Maiden of the Spear, a woman warrior of the Aiel people. She had been convinced to flee by Gitara Moroso, who said the world would be doomed if she did not. Tigraine, who renamed herself Shaiel, died shortly after giving birth. Galad, the son she left behind, is Rand's older half brother. His father was Janduin, an Aiel clan chief (the youngest in memory), who led the Shaarad, Reyn, Nakai and Taardad clans to kill King Laman Damodred of Cairhien for his sin. When he heard Shaiel had died, he relinquished his leadership and went off to the Great Blight to fight Trollocs. Janduin was later killed by his brother in law, Luc, who looked so much like Tigraine that Janduin would not lift a hand against him. Rand was found by Tam al'Thor, an Andoran man who had joined the Illianer army and fought at the Blood Snow. He and his new wife, Kari al'Thor, took Rand back to Tam's home village, Emond's Field.