In computer science, read-copy-update (RCU) is a synchronization mechanism based on mutual exclusion. It is used when performance of reads are crucial and is an example of space-time tradeoff, enabling fast operations at the cost of more space.
Read-copy-update allows multiple threads to efficiently read from shared memory by deferring updates after pre-existing reads to a later time while simultaneously marking the data, ensuring new readers will read the updated data. This makes all readers proceed as if there were no synchronization involved, hence they will be fast, but also making updates more difficult.
A key property of RCU is that readers can access a data structure even when it is in the process of being updated: RCU updaters cannot block readers or force them to retry their accesses. This overview starts by showing how data can be safely inserted into and deleted from linked structures despite concurrent readers. The first diagram on the right depicts a four-state insertion procedure, with time advancing from left to right.
The first state shows a global pointer named gptr that is initially NULL, colored red to indicate that it might be accessed by a reader at any time, thus requiring updaters to take care. Allocating memory for a new structure transitions to the second state. This structure has indeterminate state (indicated by the question marks) but is inaccessible to readers (indicated by the green color). Because the structure is inaccessible to readers, the updater may carry out any desired operation without fear of disrupting concurrent readers. Initializing this new structure transitions to the third state, which shows the initialized values of the structure's fields. Assigning a reference to this new structure to gptr transitions to the fourth and final state. In this state, the structure is accessible to readers, and is therefore colored red. The rcu_assign_pointer primitive is used to carry out this assignment, and ensures that the assignment is atomic in the sense that concurrent readers will either see a NULL pointer or a valid pointer to the new structure, but not some mash-up of the two values. Additional properties of rcu_assign_pointer are described later in this article.