Reginald Horace Fuller (March 24, 1915 – April 4, 2007) was an Anglo-American Biblical scholar, ecumenist, and Anglican priest. His works are recognized for their consequential analysis of New Testament Christology. One aspect of his work is on the relation of Jesus to the early church and the church today. For this, his analysis, which uses the historical-critical method, has been described as neo-orthodox.
Fuller attended Peterhouse at the University of Cambridge (B.A., 1937, First Class Hon., Classical Tripos I and Theological Tripos II; M.A., 1942). He studied at the University of Tübingen, Germany in 1938-39. He prepared for ministry in the Church of England at the Queen's College, Birmingham (1939–40) and was ordained a deacon in 1940 and a priest in 1941. He met Ilse Barda in 1940 at a wedding. In 1942 they met at another wedding, their own. Fuller was a curate in England from 1940 to 1950 and lectured in theology at the Queen's College, 1946-50. He was professor of theology and Hebrew at St. David's College, Lampeter, Wales (1950–55). He also assisted in raising three daughters.
Fuller became a U.S. resident in 1955. He was professor of New Testament at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Ill., languages and literature (1955–1966), Union Theological Seminary and Columbia (adj.), NYC (1966–72), and Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria (1972–85; adj., 1994–2002). Fuller was also visiting professor at nine other seminaries or colleges in the United States, Canada, and Australia: University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. (1960, ..., 1988, 7 terms), Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Ca.(1975), College of Emmanuel and St. Chad, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada (1978), Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. (1985), Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Tx. (1986), Nashotah House, Wis. (1986, ..., 2004, 7 terms), St. Mark's College of Ministry, Canberra, Australia (1987), and Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. (1990).