A rent assessment committee is a tribunal in England and Wales set up under the Rent Acts whose main task is to assess fair and market rents of properties referred to it.
There is a statutory right of appeal to the High Court of England and Wales and thence to the Court of Appeal.
On the formation of the Residential Property Tribunal Service as a result of the Housing Act 2004 the rent assessment committees became part of that body for administrative purposes.
A rent assessment committee has the following jurisdictions:
A rent assessment committee normally consists of two or three persons from the local Rent Assessment Panel selected by the president (or in their absence a vice-president) of the Panel. At least one member, who will chair the committee must be a president or vice-president of the panel or a lawyer appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
The president or vice-president of a panel may direct that certain cases, or classes of cases, may be heard by a single chairman sitting alone and any application to cancel a registered rent because the property is no longer subject to a restricted contract will be heard by a single chairman.
An appeal may be made, usually on a point of law only, to the High Court of England and Wales. The Tribunal may also be required to sign and state a case for the opinion of the High Court. There is an approved procedure for such an appeal. Appeals on points of law are made to the Administrative Court of the High Court using a Part 8 Claim Form with the appropriate fee. Appeals may also be made on procedural irregularities by way of judicial review. A further appeal may then be made to the Court of Appeal of England and Wales.
Procedure is informal and there are few procedural rules. The procedure is governed by the Rent Assessment Committees (England and Wales) Regulations 1971 (SI 1065/1971), which has been amended a number of times since.
The first stage will be for the committee to establish whether it has jurisdiction in the matter. This will often be done by administrative staff. In cases where the administrative staff do not believe that they have jurisdiction they will refer the matter to the RAC to determine this point. The RAC will accept representations either on paper or in person.