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Robert E. Hunter

Robert Edwards Hunter (born 1940 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. He is also a member of the Secretary of State's International Security Advisory Board. He was Director of the Center for Transatlantic Security Studies at the National Defense University, Washington, D.C. (2010-2012) and Senior Advisor at the RAND Corporation, Arlington, Va, (1998-2010). He was National Security Council Director of West European Affairs (1977–1979) and then Director of Middle East Affairs (1979–1981), throughout the administration of President Jimmy Carter, and United States Ambassador to NATO (1993–1998), in the administration of President Bill Clinton, where he was principal architect and negotiator of the post-Cold War "new NATO" and of the NATO airstrike decisions that ended the Bosnia War. He was the first Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator Edward M. Kennedy (1993-1997). He served on the White House staff, focusing on education, under President Lyndon Johnson (1964–1965). He was an Administrative Management Intern (summers 1961-1963) at the U.S. Navy's Polaris Project, both in Washington and the British Admiralty.

For more than four decades, Ambassador Hunter has been a leader in foreign policy and defense analysis—in the US and abroad—including 13 years in policy making and implementation at the highest levels of the US government. He has played a particularly effective role in integrating different instruments of power and influence and in relating domestic politics to foreign policy, including White House-Congressional relations. He is noted for his efforts to forge bipartisan cooperation on foreign policy. His work includes designing the Carter Doctrine for the Persian Gulf, negotiating Arab-Israeli issues, helping to "recreate" NATO after the end of the Cold War, and breaking down barriers between NATO and the European Union. Trained in nuclear strategy, arms control, NATO, US defense policy, East-West relations, the European Economic Community (and its successors), the developing world, and political economy. He has also played a major role in shaping the foreign policy positions of the Democratic Party over many years. He is widely recognized as one of the Nation's leading authorities on Europe and the Middle East, in all dimensions. He is also an expert on terrorism, counter-insurgency, asymmetrical warfare, human rights, democracy promotion, and the structure and operation of the National Security Council and various international institutions.

