Robert Ranquet (born 1953) is the Deputy Director of the French Defence College Institut des hautes études de défense nationale.
Ranquet was commissioned by the General Directorate for Armament as an "Armament engineer" (ingénieur de l'armement) in 1974. After completing his master’s degrees in Naval Architecture and Nuclear Engineering at ENSTA, he was first assigned as manager of the Nuclear Propulsion Department, DCN Brest, in charge of the maintenance of "Le Redoutable (S 611)" class SSBN propulsion systems. In 1984, he joined DCN Indret, as the Head of the Materials Research Center. He moved in 1989 from this position to the Head of the Nuclear Propulsion Department, in charge of development and design of naval nuclear reactors. In this position, he managed the development of nuclear plants for the "Le Triomphant" class SSBN and the "Charles de Gaulle (R 91)" aircraft carrier. In 1992, he was promoted to Deputy Director, DCN Indret, in charge of overall Research and Development activities. He initiated numerous international cooperations with British and U.S. firms within the framework of the "Horizon class frigate" European project.
In 1994, Ranquet was special assistant to the Director for Atlantic/Europe Cooperation, International Affairs Directorate - DGA Paris. He was then selected as an exchange student for the class of 1995 at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort Lesley J. McNair - in Washington, D.C., before joining the French Embassy as Deputy-Armament Attaché, and then Armament Attaché in October 1996. He was the representative for the Délégué général pour l'armement (Head of the General Directorate for Armament) to the U.S.