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Rogue River (tribe)

Tututni tribe is a Native American tribe, one of Lower Rogue River Athabascan tribes from southwestern Oregon. They traditionally lived along the Rogue River and its tributaries, near the Pacific Coast between the Coquille River on the north and Chetco River in the south.Lower Rogue River Athabascan (also called Tututni) tribes are a group of Athabascan tribes (the Tututni, Upper Coquille and Shasta Costa) who were historically located in southwestern Oregon in the United States and speak the same Athabascan language, known as Lower Rogue River (or Tututni, or Tututni-Shasta Costa-Coquille).

In its narrower sense, the term "Rogue River" refers to the Rogue River Athabascan tribes who speak two closely related languages: Lower Rogue River (also known as Tututni) and Upper Rogue River (also known as Galice-Applegate).

In its broader sense, "Rogue River" as a term refers to Rogue River Indians, a conglomeration of many tribal groups in the total Rogue River Valley area. They belong to three language families: Athabaskan, Takelma, and Shastan.

The Tututni (or Lower Rogue River Athabascan) tribes included the following:

"There were as many as seven Tututni groups, who were culturally related and had kinship ties. They did not, however, constitute a typical tribe because the usual sociopolitical organization, involving chiefs and governmental authority, was lacking".

I) Euchre Creek (Yukiche-tunne) dialect speaking:

II) Tututni dialect speaking:

III) Upper Coquille (Coquille, Mishi-kwutine-tunne) dialect speaking:

IV) Chasta Costa (Shasta Costa, Chasta Kosta, Shistakoostee, Illinois River) dialect speaking:

The Tututni (Lower Rogue River Athabascan) tribes spoke dialects of the Lower Rogue River (or Tututni or Tututni-Shasta Costa-Coquille) language. In the 21st century, this Pacific Coast Athabaskan language is extinct; it was classified as part of the Oregon Athabascan subgroup. Dialects were Coquille (Upper Coquille, Mishikhwutmetunee), spoken along the upper Coquille River; Tututni (Tututunne, Naltunnetunne, Mikonotunne, Kwatami, Chemetunne, Chetleshin, Khwaishtunnetunnne); Euchre Creek, and Chasta Costa (Illinois River, Šista Qʼʷə́sta).

