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SNED1 is a human protein expressed at low levels in a wide range of tissues. The protein is soluble and found in circulating blood and the conceptually translated protein has four domains of interest. These domains include a nidgen (NIDO) domain, three fibronectin type III (FN3) domains, several calcium binding EGF-like domains (EGF CA), and one complement control protein (CCP) domain. The gene is found on chromosome 2, locus q37.3. The mRNA was isolated from the spleen and is 6834bp in length. The conceptually translated protein is 1178aa long. This protein is predicted to interact with somatostatin, spermidine synthase and TMEM132C.

SNED1 is located on the plus strand of chromosome 2 at locus 2q37.3. The Refseq identification number is NM_001080437.1 The genomic DNA sequence of SNED1 contains 96,729bp and the longest spliced mRNA as predicted by AceView is 7048bp and contains 31 exons. There are 9 splice variants of SNED1 that exhibited protein structure matches using the Phyre 2 database which is discussed under "Tertiary and Quaternary Structure".

SNED1 is an acronym for "sushi, nidogen, and EGF-like domains". Aliases for SNED1 include Snep, SST3, and IRE-BP1.

SNED1 is very highly conserved throughout evolutionary history and is shown to exhibit this conservation across a wide range of taxa, from mammals, to vertebrates, to invertebrates.It may be worth noting that the abundance of cysteine residues appear to be very highly conserved, suggesting that the cysteine richness is a very important feature of this protein.

SNED1 has a number of paralogs within the human genome, which cover small portions of the entire peptide sequence. There was no BLAST result that provided a hit that covered 100% of the query. Most hits fell in the 50-70% of query coverage and Max identity did not exceed 65%. Endogenous genes that are similar to the conserved domains in SNED 1 include; neurogenic locus notch homolog isoforms, protein-jagged precursors, protein eyes shut homolog isoforms, protein crumbs homolog isoforms,delta and notch-like epidermal growth factor receptor, sushi von Wilebrand factor A, and slit homolog 3 protein.

The peptide sequence with the longest ORF was found by creating a conceptual translation using the SIXFRAME tool at the SDSC biology workbench website and this was the sequence used for most analyses. The full sequence obtained by an ncbi BLAST search can be accessed with the reference ID NP_001073906.1. One presumably important feature of this protein that is worth noting is that it is extraordinarily cysteine rich, with 106 cysteines total, giving an overall cysteine composition of 9.0%.

