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Sabine Andresen

Sabine Andresen was born 1966. She is professor of Educational Studies at Faculty of Education Science, Bielefeld University and vice rector for international affairs and corporate communication at Bielefeld University.

Sabine Andresen is a proven expert in research on childhood and youth. She has presented historical and discourse analytical works, e.g., on the relation between childhood and politics. One main focus of her research lies on the well-being of children from an international perspective as well as on the threat to childhood by poverty and precarious life situations. In her empirical qualitative research, also on the family, and in her quantitative surveys she analyses the actors’ views and their intertwining. Since 2009 she is a board member of the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) and member of the committee of experts of the Federal Ministry of Families, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ).

