Sam Ruby | |
Residence | Raleigh, North Carolina |
Nationality | American |
Education | Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Christopher Newport University |
Occupation | software developer |
Known for | Atom, Apache |
Sam Ruby is a prominent software developer, W3C working group co-chair and Apache Software Foundation director who has made significant contributions to web standards and open source software projects. In particular he has contributed to the standardization of syndicated web feeds via his involvement with the Atom standard and the Feed Validator web service.
He currently holds a Senior Technical Staff Member position in the Emerging Technologies Group of IBM. He resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.
He is a co-chair of the W3C's HTML Working Group.
Sam Ruby received a B.A. in Mathematics from Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia. Ruby was hired immediately out of college by IBM and has worked there since.
Ruby is a current Director of the Apache Software Foundation, as well as being the foundation's Assistant Secretary; he also served as Vice President of Legal Affairs and was the former Chair of the Apache Jakarta Project. He also actively contributes to numerous Apache projects; the ASF Committers page provides a complete and current listing of Apache projects to which he is actively contributing. Notably, he was one of the early Ant contributors, as well as being the creator of Gump.
Ruby is the principal maintainer of the Feed Validator validator, which he developed along with Mark Pilgrim. The Feed Validator About page states, "The validator was conceived and designed by Mark Pilgrim, who also wrote most of the test cases and designed the web front end. Much of the actual back end coding was done by Sam Ruby." It's able to validate Atom feeds as well as RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 feeds.