Sathyadeepam is a Malayalam Catholic weekly published from Ernakulam, Kochi in Kerala. The weekly is a source for the official stance of the Kerala Catholic Church in general and the Syro Malabar Church in particular.
It was founded by Mar Augustine Kandathil in 1926 with Mgr. Jacob Naduvathussery as its first editor. In 2005, an English edition was also started. It is religious but socio-political weekly. Recently it was awarded the best Christian publication Media Award from the Goodness (Divine) Channel.
It is managed by the Archdiocese of Ernakulam. The Current Chief Editor and Managing Director of Sathyadeepam (Malayalam)is Fr.Cherian Nerevettil. The Present Chief Editor of Light of Truth (Sathyadeepam English)is Dr.Paul Thelakat. Read Sathyadeepam and Light of Truth at