Scott McConnell (born 1952) is an American journalist best known as a founding editor of The American Conservative.
In 1968, as a student at Phillips Exeter Academy, a New Hampshire boarding school, McConnell canvassed for Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy. McConnell earned a bachelor’s degree in 1975 and, after working on the 1976 presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter, a Ph.D in history in 1987 at Columbia University. During this time he became attracted to the neoconservative movement, and began writing for publications such as Commentary and National Review. In 1989, McConnell became an editorial writer and later columnist for the New York Post and served as editorial page editor in 1997. McConnell was fired from the Post later that year.
McConnell has since emerged as one of the leading figures in the broadly defined paleoconservative movement, although he explicitly disavowed using the term "paleoconservative" to define his beliefs.
McConnell also became a prominent supporter of Pat Buchanan. After spending many years as a columnist for the New York Press and, in 2002 he collaborated with Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopolous in founding The American Conservative, a magazine which has served as a voice for traditionalist conservatives opposed to both liberalism and the policies of George W. Bush.