Sefer ha-Ikkarim ("Book of Principles") is a fifteenth-century work by rabbi Joseph Albo, a student of Hasdai Crescas. It is an eclectic, popular work, whose central task is the exposition of the principles of Judaism.
Agreeing with Simeon ben Joseph of Lunel (i.e. Duran), Albo held that there are three basic principles (lkkarim) that are necessary for the divine law to exist:
From these three principles, Albo posited that there are eight derivative principles (shorashim):
The denial of these principles, no less than the denial of the first three, makes one a heretic (kofer ba-ikkar). It is understood in Albo's work that there are three kinds of law: natural law, conventional law, and divine law. Natural law is the same for all persons, times, and places; conventional law is ordered by a wise judge in accord with reason; divine law is given by God through a prophet.
Besides dealing with the basic principles of Jewish faith, the book contains many other subjects and sayings.
In particular, its attitude toward meat eating is quoted. "When the torah was given to the jewish people, god prohibited some animals, which bring spiritual filth (Unclean animals). And the animals which were allowed, it is only for being necessary at those times. It is like wine; though it is allowed, the Bible calls one who avoid it (Nazirite), sacred".
There is an English translation of the book by Isaac Husik, published as a bilingual edition by the Jewish Publication Society in five volumes, 1946 (ASIN: B001EB9NWK).