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Sig Libowitz

Sig Libowitz is an American lawyer, actor, film executive, writer and producer. Libowitz is notable for writing, producing, and acting in a film, The Response, which he wrote after reading the actual transcripts from the Guantanamo detainees' Combatant Status Review Tribunals.

Libowitz was a Vice President of Acquisitions and Co-Productions at Paramount Pictures. Prior to that, he was an executive at Film Four and Good Machine, where he oversaw production of the Academy Award-nominated film, In The Bedroom, starring Sissy Spacek, Tom Wilkinson and Marissa Tomei. As an actor, Libowitz had recurring roles in The Sopranos and Law & Order.

The Response has screened at the Pentagon, U.S. Congress, Department of Justice, Westpoint and numerous universities including Harvard, UCLA and Columbia. The Response was shortlisted for the 2010 Academy Award (Best Live Action Short) and won the 2009 ABA Award as Best of the Year in Drama and Literature. Previous ABA winners include To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelve Angry Men, and Judgment at Nuremberg.

One of Libowitz's professors at law school distributed the Guantanamo transcripts to the class. Libowitz decided the transcript could be turned into a script.

Peter Riegert, Kate Mulgrew star as the two other JAG officers on the Tribunal. Aasif Mandvi stars as the detainee.

Libowitz graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law in 2007, and currently works for the law firm Venable LLP.

