Sir Richard Wydeville or Woodville (1385–1441) was steward or chamberlain to the Duke of Bedford, Constable of the Tower of London, and Sheriff of Kent in 1433. He was also Captain of English Calais.
Following the capitulation of Rouen to King Henry V, in his sixth year, upon St Wulstan's Day, many towns in Normandy surrendered themselves to him. English Captains were appointed over them, among whom was "At Dangew, Richarde Woodvile".
It is related in Hall's Chronicle, quoting original sources, that as Constable of the Tower Wydeville played a part in the confrontation which arose in the fourth year of the reign of King Henry VI between Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, and the Protector Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. By the Bishop's command Richard Wydeville, esquire, refused to admit the Protector to his quarters there unless he should produce sufficient warrant: and he thereby earned Beaufort's favour. Beaufort in his defence answered the charge saying that Humphrey had gone about the country against the King's peace,
"and for the more sure kepyng of the said toure, Richard Wooduile squire, so trusted with the kyng (i.e. Henry V) our sovereign lord that dead is, (as wel ye knowe) and also chamberlain and counsailler unto my lord of Bedford, with a certain nombre of defensible persones assigned unto him, was made deputie ther, by thassent of the kinges counsaill being that tyme at London, for to abide therin for safegard therof, and straightly charged by the saied counsaill, that duryng that tyme of his saied charge, he should not suffre any man to bee in the toure stronger then hymself, without especial charge or commaundement of the kyng by thadvice of his counsaill."
According to Hall Richard Wydeville received a knighthood on the Sunday of Whitsuntide 1426.