South San Francisco High School, known colloquially as "South City High", is an American public high school located in South San Francisco, California which serves grades 9-12 as part of the South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD).
South San Francisco High School is composed of six main buildings, campus wings. Two additional wings contain portable classrooms for language and math classes. The "S" wing contains the woods, auto, ceramics, and art shops. The auditorium is located to the right of the main entrance with the cafeteria next to it. The "M" wing contains the broadcasting station and the band room. The video broadcasting class provides live segments daily through the schools cable network and online.
South San Francisco High School operates under a closed campus policy, prohibiting leaving the campus for lunch or meeting visitors and students during school hours. The district offices for the SSFUSD are located on the school campus at the main entrance.
According to US News and World Report, 94% of South San Francisco's student body is "of color," with 28% of the student body coming from an economically disadvantaged household, determined by student eligibility for California's Reduced-price meal program.
South San Francisco High School offers a variety of sports, including cheerleading, American football, badminton, baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball, wrestling and cross country. In 1980 the varsity football team defeated North Monterey Co. HS, 17-7, to win the Central Coast Section Championship. Former head coach Frank Moro also played a key role in winning the CCS championship for the Warriors. In 1973, the sophomore football team went undefeated and unscored upon. This is a record that has never been matched by another team. The team, coached by Sam Bonanno, Joe Schroder and Jim Orlich also won the NPL Championship.