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Spatial grid

In the context of a spatial index, a grid (a.k.a. "mesh", also "global grid" if it covers the entire surface of the globe) is a regular tessellation of a manifold or 2-D surface that divides it into a series of contiguous cells, which can then be assigned unique identifiers and used for spatial indexing purposes. A wide variety of such grids have been proposed or are currently in use, including grids based on "square" or "rectangular" cells, triangular grids or meshes, hexagonal grids and grids based on diamond-shaped cells.

"Square" or "rectangular" grids are frequently the simplest in use, i.e. for translating spatial information expressed in Cartesian coordinates (latitude and longitude) into and out of the grid system. Such grids may or may not be aligned with the gridlines of latitude and longitude; for example, Marsden squares, World Meteorological Organization squares, c-squares and others are aligned, while UTM, and various national (=local) grid based systems such as the British national grid reference system are not. In general, these grids fall into two classes, those that are "equal angle", that have cell sizes that are constant in degrees of latitude and longitude but are unequal in area (particularly with varying latitude), or those that are "equal area", that have cell sizes that are constant in distance on the ground (e.g. 100 km, 10 km) but not in degrees of longitude, in particular.

The most influential triangular grid is the "Quaternary Triangular Mesh" or QTM that was developed by Geoffrey Dutton in the early 1980s. It eventually resulted in a thesis entitled "A Hierarchical Coordinate System for Geoprocessing and Cartography" that was published in 1999 (see publications list on Dutton's Spatial Effects website). This grid was also employed as the basis of the rotatable globe that forms part of the Microsoft Encarta product.

