The Speed Force is a concept presented in various comic books published by DC Comics, primarily in relation to the various speedsters in the DC Universe. The Speed Force was the extra-dimensional energy that once powered all of the Flashes' superhuman abilities. It is not like any other fundamental force. Its origin is likely the same as most superhuman abilities found in the DC Universe, a byproduct of the mysterious omni-energy known as The Source and The Godwave.
The ability to access the Speed Force has been limited to only a few individuals in the DC Universe and when DC characters travel to the Marvel Universe, they are not able to access the Speed Force.
The Speed Force has most often been discovered or accessed by accident and almost every speedster in the DC universe can access it, except for Jay Garrick (Earth 2 series) who got his powers from a blessing by the god Mercury.
Others have had unique origins or specialized technologies or powers which gave them limited access to the Speed Force and the powers therein.
The Speed Force concept has been altered, remixed, rehashed and rewritten over the twenty years it has been in use. As of the "New 52" reboot, the new parameters of the Speed Force revolve around accessing and controlling the motion and progression of the universe, of moving time and space itself forward. All references are from the Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis, and Zero Hour continuities. The Post-Flashpoint Multiverse is not included. The concept of the Speed Force has been referred to as "completely absurd" and "basically magic" by Geoff Johns, who wishes for the concept to be written out of continuity entirely. The Speed Force is also vaguely similar to The Force from Star Wars, both being a mysterious, almost mythological source of the heroes' powers, and serving as an afterlife for them. This is even referenced in The Flash, when supporting character Cisco Ramon quoted in the first season finale, "May the Speed-Force Be With You".
The Speed Force was mentioned on the 2014 TV series The Flash, this marked the live-action debut of the Speed Force.