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Squeamishness () typically refers to easily triggered feelings of repulsion, disgust, or physical illness often brought on by exposure to certain external stimuli.

Anything can cause someone to feel squeamish. Some examples of common triggers are the texture of fish to the touch, the sight of blood or insects, and general ideas such as war, hospitals, or death. The feeling can also be triggered by traumatic experiences from the past. It is common for people to feel squeamish while witnessing, thinking of, or speaking about any particularly unpleasant topic. Often squeamishness is associated with medical phobia, as some of the most common triggers include sites or experiences one may encounter during a medical emergency.

Symptoms of squeamishness may include dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, shaking, and pallor

In extreme instances it can also cause vomiting and fainting (pass out)

Squeamishness may be seen by some as a physical or mental weakness, though there is no clear consensus on the subject. Those who display it in public are sometimes chided for it, despite its being an involuntary reaction. People who are squeamish are sometimes urged not to join the medical profession or serve in the military due to risk of involvement with triggers such as blood and violence. However, many medical students can attest to feeling squeamish early in their training while not suffering from it at all later on in their educations and careers, suggesting that squeamishness may be overcome in some instances.

