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St. Mary's Peninsula

St. Mary's Peninsula is part of the Western Shore region of Maryland. From the Charles County line, just north of Charlotte Hall, Maryland, to the southern tip of St. Mary's County at Point Lookout State Park, St. Mary's Peninsula stretches about 39 miles (63 km). It is bordered on the southwest by the Potomac River, on the north and east by the Patuxent River and on the east by Chesapeake Bay. From the end of these two rivers, the peninsula has about 15 miles of shoreline along the Bay's western shore from Lexington Park, Maryland to Point Lookout. Its shoreline stretches for a total of 536 miles along the Patuxent River, Patomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Conterminous with the boundaries of St. Mary's County, the peninsula covers a land area of 361.25 square miles (935.6 km2).

Northeast of St. Mary's Peninsula, on the opposite side of the Patuxent River, is the smaller Calvert Peninsula. Like St. Mary's Peninsula, Calvert Peninsula also has boundaries conterminous with a single Maryland county.

St. Mary's Peninsula is largely defined ecologically by the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers, which are also tidal. There are also some freshwater streams and a few runs of freshwater rivers above tidal zones. It also has many freshwater ponds and lakes.

Its land is characterized by forests, farms and developed areas; many clay-rich hills, waterfront cliffs and ridges, and also many estuarine brackish water lowland marsh areas with extensive creeks and coves as well. It is home to whitetail deer, coyotes and many other typical Eastern woodland animal and plant species. Its forests are a mixture of deciduous trees and pine typical of the Mid-Atlantic region of the Eastern seaboard of the United States.

