On the territory village of Stare Kiejkuty, Poland, is a restricted military area that is the seat of (postal service name, simply) Jednostka Wojskowa 2669 (military unit 2669), Ośrodek Szkolenia Agencji Wywiadu (Agencja Wywiadu Intelligence Agency Training Center). Since 2005 it has attracted scrutiny as being a black site involved in the CIA's program of extraordinary rendition.
The facility's military uses go back at least as far as World War II, when it served as an outpost of the Nazi German SD (the intelligence service of the SS) and Abwehr. It was a part of Germany then, Ostpreussen. The airstrip served Luftwaffe planes in bombing raids on Warsaw. In 1968, it was used by the Soviet Army to plan operations to crush the Prague Spring, and it was later expanded into the modern Szczytno-Szymany International Airport, 20 km away.
Its use by Polish intelligence dates to the third quarter of 1971; in the Communist era, it appeared on maps as a nondescript holiday resort. It had a very special status, however, having been the only intelligence training facility in the Eastern Bloc located outside the Soviet Union.
Signs are posted nearby reminding casual visitors of prohibitions against taking photographs, and journalists have reported having their cameras searched (and memory cards confiscated) when taking pictures near the facility.