The 2 am Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure, is a book written by human behavior scientist Jon Levy exploring his research on what causes people to live fun, exciting and remarkable lives. In the book Levy combines personal stories with research and what he calls the EPIC Model of Adventure, a four-stage process that every adventure goes through. The book was scheduled to be published by Regan Arts and released on November 8, 2016.
In the book, Levy counters the commonly held phrase "Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M.", by suggesting, "nothing good happens after 2 AM except the most EPIC experiences of your life." In this statement, Levy is referring to the EPIC model of Adventure.
Levy postulates that all adventures follow a four-stage process. He attempts to prove this by using personal anecdotes and scientific research to show how it can be applied to everyday life.
Jon Levy is a human behavior scientist specializing in Influence and the Science of Adventure. Beyond his research, he is the founder of The Influencers and the Influencers Dinner, a secret dining experience and private community of thought leaders such as Olympians, Nobel laureates, and members of royalty to celebrities, scientists, musicians and executives.