The Advertising Club of New York, also known as The Ad Club and originally called the Sphinx Club, focuses efforts on advertising industry self-regulation, professional training and good fellowship. The Advertising Club of New York is the only organization to bring the industry together across all disciplines – marketing, media and agencies – in the name of exchanging ideas and best practices for business and thought leadership. Offering the community access to conversations and key influencers, inspiration and recognition for creativity, the best training for professional development and a movement for diversity.
In 1896, a group of eight advertising men in New York City began meeting for lunch on a regular basis to share ideas on the business that sustained them. They called themselves the Sphinx Club, and in 1906 the growing group incorporated as the Advertising Men's League, ultimately becoming The Advertising Club of New York in 1915.
Most of The Ad Club's early years were spent at the landmark Stanford White building at 23 Park Avenue, where Ad Club members, including the young Bill Paley, J.C. Penney, and Bill Bernbach, conducted business in the main dining room over lunch.