"The Beast in Me" is a song from Nick Lowe's 1994 album The Impossible Bird. The song was originally recorded by Lowe’s former father-in-law Johnny Cash on his American Recordings album, also in 1994. A live version of the song by Cash appears on his 2005 DVD Live at Montreux 1994. A live version by Lowe appears on his 2004 live album Untouched Takeaway.
The Lowe studio version of the song features over the closing credits of the pilot episode of US television show The Sopranos. The song features on the commercially available soundtrack CD. Johnny Cash's version also appears in the 2011 film The Hangover: Part II but Mark Lanegan did a version for the soundtrack.
Melwood Cutlery's version of the song features over the closing credits of Project Grizzly, a 1996 National Film Board documentary about Canadian inventor, Troy Hurtubise and his quest to create a suit in which to meet a Grizzly Bear.