The Hive is an Indo-British CGI animated children's television series broadcast by Playhouse Disney (now Disney Junior), Tiny Pop and CITV in February 2010. 78 episodes of 7 minutes have been produced for the first season. The second season is still in production. The show is a joint production of many companies, including DQ Entertainment, Lupus Films, Monumental Productions, Picture Production Company, Hive Enterprises and Bejuba! Entertainment.
The show has also aired on ABC2 in Australia. The voice of BuzzBee in this edition of the show is Harry Hendel.
The Hive is a colourful animated series for kids all ages introducing life to early learners with the Bee Family. This series is about the everyday things that concern small children such as playing, being friendly, spending time with your family, getting along, and finding out all about the world and how it works.
There will be a second season that will begin around 2016.
Playtime in Honeybee Hive
Visiting the Doctor With Buzzbee
Let's Get Green
Buzzbee big holiday
Dance Party!