The Imaginary order is one of a triptych of terms in the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, along with the symbolic and the real. Each of the trio of terms emerged gradually over time, and underwent an evolution during the development of Lacan's thought. "Of these three terms, the 'imaginary' was the first to appear, well before the Rome Report of 1953 ... [when t]he notion of the 'symbolic' came to the forefront". Indeed, looking back at his intellectual development from the vantage point of the 70s, Lacan epitomised it as follows:
I began with the Imaginary, I then had to chew on the story of the Symbolic ... and I finished by putting out for you this famous Real.
Accordingly, "Lacan's work is often divided into three periods: the Imaginary (1936–1953), the Symbolic (1953–1963), and the Real (1963–1981)". During the first of these, "Lacan regarded the 'imago' as the proper study of psychology and identification as the fundamental psychical process. The imaginary was then the ... dimension of images, conscious or unconscious, perceived or imagined"; and it was in the decade or two following his delivery of Le stade du miroir at Marienbad in 1936 that Lacan's concept of the Imaginary was most fully articulated.
The basis of the Imaginary order is the formation of the ego in the "mirror stage"; by articulating the ego in this way "the category of the imaginary provides the theoretical basis for a long-standing polemic against ego-psychology" on Lacan's part. Since the ego is formed by identifying with the counterpart or specular image, "identification" is an important aspect of the imaginary. The relationship whereby the ego is constituted by identification is a locus of "alienation", which is another feature of the imaginary, and is fundamentally narcissistic: thus Lacan wrote of "the different phases of imaginary, narcissistic, specular identification - the three adjectives are equivalent" which make up the ego's history.
If "the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real are an unholy trinity whose members could as easily be called Fraud, Absence and Impossibility", then the Imaginary, a realm of surface appearances which are inherently deceptive, is "Fraud".
For Lacan, the driving-force behind the creation of the ego as mirror-image was the prior experience of the phantasy of the fragmented body. "Lacan was not a Kleinian, though he was the first in France ... to decipher and praise her work", but "the threatening and regressive phantasy of 'the body-in-pieces' ... is explicitly related by Lacan to Melanie Klein's paranoid position". Klein's "specific phantasy ... that something inside the person is seeking to pull him apart and render him dead by dismemberment" fuelled for Lacan "the succession of phantasies that extends from a fragmented body-image ... to the assumption of the armour of an alienating identity" — to the ego as other-identification, as "Fraud".