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The Record of Zeniff

In the Book of Mormon, chapters 9 through 22 of the Book of Mosiah are identified as the Record of Zeniff. These chapters contain the story of a group of Nephites, led by Zeniff, who leave the land of Zarahemla and return to their former land, known as the land of Nephi, which was then occupied by the Lamanites, their traditional enemies. Although the attempt to establish themselves among the Lamanites is successful for a short time, the people of Zeniff are ultimately enslaved and forced to pay tribute to the Lamanite king. They are later rescued by an expedition from Zarahemla sent to discover their fate. The Record of Zeniff records the reigns of Zeniff, his son Noah and grandson Limhi. The timespan is approximately 75 years.

According to the Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and travelled "in the wilderness" for a number of years before building a boat and sailing to "the promised land". The name of the land in which they first settled is not given (though perhaps it was called the land of Lehi). Following Lehi's death, his older sons, Laman and Lemuel, rebelled against their younger brother Nephi, who had been appointed by their father as their leader. Fearing for their safety, Nephi and his followers travelled "for many days" to a new land which they called Nephi (2 Ne. 5:7-8). Afterward, in the Book of Mormon, the descendants of Laman, Lemuel and their followers are known as Lamanites, while the descendants of Nephi and his followers are called Nephites.

Centuries later, after many wars and contentions between the Nephites and the Lamanites, a new prophet, Mosiah, gathered as many Nephites as would follow and fled "into the wilderness", where they discovered the land of Zarahemla, inhabited by a people known as Mulekites (Omni 1:12-13). The Mulekites joined with the Nephites (the two peoples together now being called Nephites) and Mosiah was appointed their king.

