The Successor (also known as The Next Uri Geller) is a series in which contestants perform acts of mentalism, illusion, escapism and other feats before a live studio audience. The acts are judged by a panel, with votes from the studio audience and viewers at home. In the original series, Uri Geller was one of the judges.
The show was created by Uri Geller in 2007 for Israeli television. It was subsequently remade in the United States under the title Phenomenon, co-hosted by illusionist Criss Angel, as well as Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, Turkey and Russia. The show has been televised in multiple countries worldwide, including Canada, Latin America, Australia and Finland.
In late 2007, the show was introduced to the United States, under the name of Phenomenon, co-starring Criss Angel, and hosted by British TV presenter Tim Vincent.
The show was notable for the October 31, 2007 controversy when Criss Angel challenged Geller and contestant Jim Callahan to prove they had supernatural abilities. Angel pulled two envelopes from his pocket and said, "I will give you a million dollars of my personal money right now if either one of you can tell me specific details of what’s in here right now." On November 21, 2007, Criss Angel again offered Uri Geller $1,000,000 on the finale of NBC's nationally televised Phenomenon, to which Geller began to discuss seemingly random events which included the numbers 1, 20, 19, 40 and 1. Angel appeared to cut Geller off mid-sentence to reveal the contents of the envelope, which were the numbers 9 1 1.