Thecha is a spicy condiment prepared across the states of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It has many variants but the primary ingredients are Chillies (Green /Red) and Garlic, often tempered in oil and a multitude of spices such as Cumin, Sesame Seeds, Hing, Cloves and grated coconut seasoning. Traditional recipes call for the ingredients to be crushed / pounded in metal or stone pastels but modern day kitchens often rely on grinding in modern-day food processors. It is served with dishes like pithla bhakri. or is eaten with bhakri. A regional variation is the varhadi thecha. It has been described by Sanjeev Kapoor as a popular relish.
2 inch ginger( half of a usual sized piece). 10 green chilli(Any kind, Spicier the chilli, spicier the produce). 1 garlic head with skin. 1 heaped tbsp course salt. Slice the ginger to help in pounding. Coarsely pound these together.
Heat 4 tbsp oil till very hot but not smoking. Add 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tbsp jeera and mustard seeds each. 30s later, add hot oil mix to pounded mix. Mix. Done. Eat with care, freakishly spicy.