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Thorkell the High

Thorkell the Tall, also known as Thorkell the High in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Old Norse: Þorke(ti)ll inn hávi; Norwegian: Torkjell Høge; Swedish; Torkel Höge: Danish: Torkild den Høje) was a prominent member of the Jomsviking order and a notable lord. He was a son of the Scanian chieftain Strut-Harald, a brother of Jarl Sigvaldi, cousin of Thane Eric Wiffen. and commander of the Jomvikings and the legendary stronghold, Jomsborg, on the Island of Wollin.

Thorkell is a historical figure, but his career, especially its early part, is steeped in associations with the legendary Jomsvikings. Thorkell took part in the Battle of Hjörungavágr in 986 and in the Battle of Swold in 1000. He attacked England in 1010, landing near Ipswich on the shores of the River Orwell at Nacton with a large army, defeating the local army sent from Ipswich. He was eventually paid an unusually large Danegeld in 1011.

In September 1011, a Viking army led by Jarl Thorkell The Tall and Thane Eric Wiffen laid siege to the city of Canterbury for three weeks, until its defences were overwhelmed and the old cathedral burned down. Thorkell's men took Archbishop Ælfheah of Canterbury hostage, who had previously been instrumental in negotiating danegeld payments. It is said that Ælfheah refused to be exchanged for ransom organised by Eadric Streona as he did not wish to further impoverish his countrymen. As a consequence of this he was murdered by Thorkell's men during a drunken feast. Sensing that he was losing control over his men, Thorkell and his loyalists defected. He and his men entered into the service of King Æthelred the Unready, whom they fought under in 1013 against the invasion of king Sweyn Forkbeard and his son Cnut.

