Tom L. Humphries is an American academic, author, and lecturer on Deaf culture and communication. Humphries is a professor at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
Humphries earned his Ph.D. in Cross Cultural Communication and Language Learning at Union Graduate School in 1977.
Humphries is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the San Diego branch of the University of California.
In addition to teaching at UCSD, he has been developing an experimental curriculum for teaching deaf children by applying bilingual teaching practices.
One way of framing his major area of interest is summarized in the abstract of his 2010 Lyons Lecture at the Rochester School for the Deaf:
Humphries' published writings encompass 43 works in 78 publications in 7 languages and 5,474 library holdings. His works are created with his wife and co-author, Carol Padden.