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Transrational, or "transrational reality," refers to the experience of objective nonpersonal, nonrational phenomena occurring in the natural universe, information and experience that does not readily fit into standard cause and effect logical structure; the kinds of experience that typically are labeled and dismissed as superstition, irrational, and, in the extreme, abnormal or crazy. It differs from the ‘supernatural’ and the ‘rational’ in that it neither directly controverts nor affirms logical sense or reason. A transrational experience is not pathological. The transrational does not engage with the question of how to sensibly fit an experience into a rational framework, instead allowing the experience to remain as it was experienced or witnessed, uninterpreted by rational sensemaking or meaning-making. The experience is what it is and is taken on its own terms.

The concept was first conceptualized in this sense by Jungian analyst Jerome Bernstein in 2000, however it had also been used to very different effect by Ken Wilber in his 1995 book, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality.

People are so afraid of being considered pre-rational that they avoid and deny the very possibility of the transrational. Others substitute mere pre-rational emotions for authentic religious experience, which is always transrational. Ken Wilbur

