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Trevor Neilson

Trevor Neilson (born July 2, 1972) is an American businessperson and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of Global Philanthropy Group. Global Philanthropy Group was purchased by Todd Wagner in 2017 and is now apart of the Charity Network. He has been active in a large number of philanthropic and political campaigns and has started a number of companies.

He is also the Co-founder and CEO of i(x) investments, a permanently capitalized, multi-strategy impact investing platform focused on large scale investments in renewable energy, commercial real estate, food, agriculture, and other "pillars of human need”.

He was previously the president of G2 Investment Group, a New York-based investment management company and Co-founder of Threat Pattern, a company working in the corporate intelligence space.

Neilson was born in Seattle, Washington on July 2, 1972. He is the oldest of five children, and all of his brothers and sisters were adopted. Neilson’s mother and father were actively involved in child welfare, juvenile justice, and other related issues. Neilson’s mother, Janice Secord Neilson, lead the World Association for Children and Parents, an international adoption and child welfare organization, for over thirty years. Neilson’s father, Scott Charles Neilson, served as the Juvenile Justice Commissioner for Thurston County in Washington State, and in the Washington State Attorney General’s office.

Neilson’s paternal grandmother is Mary McColl Neilson, a former Regional Director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Neilson’s maternal grandmother, Betty Ward Secord, is a descendent of Julia Ward Howe, the women's suffrage and civil rights leader and writer of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Neilson attended Lincoln Elementary School in Olympia, Washington, Washington Middle School in Olympia, Washington, Summit K-12 (for one year), Franklin High School in Seattle, Washington State University, and the Seattle University School of Law. He left law school in his second year in order to work for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Upon leaving Washington State University, Neilson moved to Washington, D.C. where he became an intern for United States Representative Jolene Unsoeld in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Congressional Scholar program. Following that internship and Bill Clinton’s election as president, Neilson moved to the White House where he became an intern in the White House Office of Scheduling and Advance. After serving in that role, Neilson became a member of the White House Advance Team, travelling ahead of President Clinton to manage meetings and events around the world.

