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Trial of Strength

Trial of Strength
War on the Eastern Front, 1941 - 45
Panther Games Trial of Strength box cover.png
Designer(s) David O’Connor
Steve Barnes
Peter Wyche
Illustrator(s) Christopher Storey
Publisher(s) Panther Games Pty Ltd
Players 2, or 2 teams
Playing time 5+ Hours - scenario
50+ hours - campaign
Skill(s) required Dice rolling
Strategic thought
Team play
Website www.panthergames.com

Trial of Strength is a strategic level board wargame set in the Eastern Front of WWII, published by Panther Games in Australia in 1985. Employing a novel and sophisticated integrated movement and combat system called CLIMACS, the Trial of Strength between the two WWII superpowers of Germany and the Soviet Union could be simulated with great emphasis on maintaining initiative and momentum and rewarding sound battle plans.

The war on the Eastern Front was the most decisive of all theatres during the Second World War. Its outcome determined the face of Europe we know today. At its peak some 10 million men and women, 20,000 aircraft and over 10,000 armoured fighting vehicles were engaged in one of history's most fiercest and costly struggles, While most of the central and eastern European nations were involved it was essentially a trial of strength between the two military superpowers of the day - Germany and the Soviet Union.

Trial of Strength is a turn-based board wargame that puts the players in the shoes of armed forces commanders who must determine objectives, allocate forces and execute operations designed to achieve victory over your opponent.

The battlefield the game is played on is a hexagon-style 1:4,000,000 scale map of Eastern Europe with each hex represents 72 kilometres (45 miles) from side to side.

Each turn represents approximately 10 days, with 3 turns per month. Units are generally corps of the Axis and armies for the Soviet Union, both about 60,000 troops each, while also consisting of smaller battlegroups of specialist formations.

On top of the Conventional Land-warfare, Integrated Movement and Combat System (CLIMACS), players must handle game-play mechanics such as air power, command and control, morale, terrain and supply and logistics. Trial of Strength employs a special rule-set for the use of airborne, marine, mountain, artillery, rail-gun, rail construction NKVD and SS units.

