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Trinity Church, Adelaide

Holy Trinity Church, originally Trinity Church, is an Anglican church on North Terrace, in the city of Adelaide, South Australia. In terms of weekly attendance, Trinity is the largest Anglican church in South Australia, with four services at the North Terrace location each Sunday, nine Sunday services in six church plants and various other meetings throughout the week. The style of these services ranges through traditional Anglican, family and modern youth services.

Trinity is a large evangelical and conservative Anglican church. Its main campus is adjacent to the University of South Australia (Uni SA), City West campus. Through its involvement with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students on tertiary campuses it also has links to the Evangelical Union at Adelaide University and the Uni SA City campuses - with Geoff Lin being Senior Staff Worker with EU and University Ministry Coordinator at Holy Trinity as well as being an Anglican chaplain to the University of Adelaide. Many members of Holy Trinity are also involved in various other ministries around Adelaide, including the Church Missionary Society (CMS) and Scripture Union. A number of CMS office bearers are staff or members at Trinity. Trinity has Sunday school for children in primary school, a youth group (called fusion) for high school students, a young adults group (called Dig), a weekday women's meeting group (called Terrace Studies), a large number of small Bible study groups and various other groups.

Trinity is part of the Adelaide diocese and has an increasing number of locally trained staff, particularly trainees through the Ministry Training Strategy and students of the Bible College of South Australia. In 2007 Trinity was involved in initiating "equip", a training program for Evangelical Anglican churches in South Australia.

