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Twitterature (a portmanteau of Twitter and literature) is literary use of the microblogging service of Twitter. It includes various genres, including aphorisms, poetry and fiction written by individuals or collaboratively.

The 140-character maximum imposed by the medium provides a creative challenge.

The most effective way to learn is by devoting oneself to a single subject for months at a time. Its opposite is school.

Aphorisms are popular because their brevity is inherently suited to Twitter. People often share well known classic aphorisms on Twitter, but some also seek to craft and share their own brief insights on every conceivable topic.Boing Boing has described Twitter as encouraging "a new age of the aphorism", citing the novel aphorisms of Aaron Haspel.

Och fast det är hett
i solen
känns det ibland
känns det ibland
som om jag
handlöst mot hösten.

Haikus are a brief poetic form well suited to Twitter; many examples can be found using the hashtag #haiku. Other forms of poetry can be found under other hashtags or by "following" people who use their Twitter accounts for journals or poetry. For example, the Swedish poet and journalist Göran Greider tweets observations and poems using the Twitter handle @GreiderDD (Göran Greider) as shown in the example on the right.

Twitterature fiction includes 140-character stories, fan fiction, the retelling of literary classics and legends, twitter novels, and collaborative works.

A number of authors, like Sean Hill (Writer) and S. Kay dedicate themselves to the form.

I was mowing the lawn. I peered at my neighbor's immaculate yard; his grass was literally greener. Then a meteor fell atop his lovely house.

I've grown to like small places. I like bugs, bug homes, walking stick bugs, blades of grass, ladybug Ferris wheels made out of dandelions.

